Info, dépêche ou communiqué de presse

société :


mercredi 31 juillet 2024 à 5h30

Vastned Belgium publishes the agenda for the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of September 25, 2024

Vastned Belgium today publishes the convocation and agenda for the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders to be held on Wednesday 25 September 2024 at 2.00 pm at the registered office of the Company1, Generaal Lemanstraat 61, 2018 Antwerp in connection with the reverse cross-border legal merger in which Vastned Retail (Vastned Retail N.V., Euronext Amsterdam: VASTN) will merge with and into Vastned Belgium (the ‘Merger’).

1 As of 1 September 2024, the registered office of Vastned Belgium will be moved to Generaal Lemanstraat 61, 2018 Antwerp.

Full press release:

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Page affichée lundi 23 septembre 2024 à 23h26m18